AAOE Benchmarking Reports
The results of the AAOE Benchmarking Survey provide the data you need when making strategic decisions for your practice. Below is a list of reports included in the Benchmarking Results.
Compensation per FTE Physician
PA/NP Compensation Overview
Practice Administrator Compensation
Practice Administrator Dashboard
Physician Compensation Dashboard
Provider Compensation by FTE
Provider Compensation per Work RVU
Physician Compensation per Revenue
Physician Recruitment Details
Overhead by Net Patient Revenue
Overhead by Total Revenue
Overhead per FTE Physician
Overhead per FTE Physician/PA/NP
Overhead per PA/NP
Revenue and Expenses
Cost per Patient Visit
Revenue per Patient Visit
Individual Category Expense Ratio
Revenue per FTE Physician
Revenue per FTE PA/NP
Revenue per FTE Provider
Staff Expense Dashboard
Non-Staff Expense Dashboard
Accounts Receivable
Percentage of Total A/R
Payer Mix Percentage (Gross Charges)
Payer Mix Percentage (Net Collections)
Accounts Receivable
Payer Mix
Insurance vs. Patient Balance
Adjusted Charges per Day
Net Collections
Net Collections per FTE Provider
Collections Ratio
Net Collections per Work RVU
Annual Gross Charges and Net Collections
Net Collections per FTE Physician
Staff Cost as a Percentage of Revenue
FTE Employees per FTE Physician
FTE Employees per FTE Provider
FTE Employees by 1,000 Visits
FTE Employees per 10,000 Work RVUs
FTE Employee Counts
Visits and Cases
Surgical Cases per New Visit
Surgical Cases per FTE Physician
Patient Visits per FTE Physician
Patient Visits per FTE Provider
Patient Visits and Cases
X-Ray and Ancillary Services
MRI Key Metrics
MRI Net Income per FTE
Physical Therapy Key Metrics
X-Rays per FTE X-Ray Technician
Square Footage
Square Footage Cost as a Percentage of Revenue
Square Footage per FTE Physician
Square Footage by Employee Group
Total Square Footage
Work RVUs
Work RVUs per FTE Physician
Work RVUs per FTE Provider